About me


--- Update 2019 ---

My name is Sara. I originally created this blog because many people who were also affected by mycotoxin exposure were asking me to share what I was doing to get better and I wanted to make this information available to them in an easy format.

Now that I am much healthier, I'm just focussing on living my life in a pretty normal way and not thinking about illness much anymore.

So this blog is now inactive but I'm keeping it online to allow people to continue to benefit from the information shared previously. I hope what you find here can be useful to you  :)

I'm not checking up on comments that are left here anymore, so I will probably not see or respond to you if you leave a comment.


Here is a bit of my background story:

Starting in 2016, I have used Effective Management of Biotoxin Exposure as my main treatment for severe and chronic health problems that had made me fear for my life, including severe level Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and extreme gastrointestinal problems, gastroparesis and food intolerances. The intensity of physical pain I experienced for weeks and months on end was often enough to send my body into a state of shock.  

Before that, I had been chronically ill for more than 11 years and got increasingly worse to the point that my body was breaking down completely and I experienced loss of sensation in my nerves, loss of coordination and ability to walk, muscle paralysis, extreme weakness, seizures, total digestion shutdown and gastroparesis, extreme physical pain and inflammation, amongst many other symptoms.

I have a degree in Biochemistry with PhD-level training in scientific research. 

Understanding how the biological world works on a molecular scale has always been a big passion for me and the challenges I have faced by being so ill have led me to observe, analyze and experiment with different things, learning something new every step of the way.

Using my scientific mind, my own bodily experience and my passion for discovery I have learned continuously about toxic mold, mycotoxins and other biotoxins, how they behave and how we can best deal with them. 

Over time, I feel I have reached a level of understanding of how healing works and of my own biological processes that has allowed me to continuously heal by developing my connection to my body and responding to its needs every step of the way. 

In conjunction with Effective Management of Biotoxin Exposure, I have also used other gentle and natural healing modalities to support my body in its natural healing process. This has been crucial in my healing. I focus mainly on nutrition, microbiomics, and body-mind integration. Meditation and trauma healing practices have also supported great progress in my health throughout my journey.

I'm very happy with how far I have come and I look to the future with excitement and joy  :)

Here are the scientific papers I have published during the time I was working as a scientist, in case you are curious. I specialized in studying the catalytic mechanisms of enzymes and the structure/function connection.

Mechanistic studies on the formation of glycosidase-substrate and glycosidase-inhibitor covalent intermediates.

Modelling beta-1,3-exoglucanase-saccharide interactions: structure of the enzyme-substrate complex and enzyme binding to the cell wall.

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